Global Live Courses

Our comprehensive training courses are designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in your behavioral support practice. More training opportunities are added every month, so be sure to sign-up for our newsletter to be the first to know.

Positive Practices in Behavioral
Support Training

A 4-day, live, fully interactive, web-based seminar series that introduces an evidence-based model of positive behavior support.

  • A live, interactive, web-based seminar series that introduces an evidence-based model of positive behavior support.

    This is a 4-module training program covering the following topics:

    • Reducing or eliminating the use of restrictive practices

    • The evidence-based IABA Multi-element Model

    • Comprehensive Functional Assessment

    • Person-Centered Positive Behavioral Support

    • Emergency Management and Reactive Strategies Within a Positive Practices Framework

    • Assuring Staff Consistency and the Provision of Quality Services

    Instructors: Elizabeth Hughes, Ph.D., BCBA and Lori Ann Dotson, Ph.D.

    Standard fee: USD$500 per person

    CEU credits are available for BCBAs.

  • DAY 1: Basics of Applied Behavior Analysis

    You will learn to:

    • Understand what ABA is;

    • Identify and define behaviors of concern, aka challenging behavior;

    • Utilize the ABCs of behaviorism;

    • Understand the concepts of reinforcers;

    • Identify the reasons for behaviors of concern;

    • Understand the concept of Episodic Severity™;

    • Use Data-Based decision making.

    DAY 2: The Multi-Element Model (MEM)

    You will learn to:

    • Understand Positive Behavior Support;

    • Define all parts of the MEM;

    • Identify Proactive Strategies;

    • Identify Focused Support Strategies;

    • Identify Replacement Skill Teaching procedures;

    • Identify Reactive Strategies;

    • Identify alternatives to punishment.

    DAY 3: Positive Behavior Practices and Role-Plays

    You will learn to:

    • Create Safe, Effective, and Enjoyable support strategies;

    • Implement various generic positive behavioral supports;

    • Link reasons for behavior(s) of concern with appropriate strategies;

    • Ensure staff consistency with program implementation using visual feedback;

    • Identify changes necessary to make supports maximally effective;

    • Continuing Education for BCBAs available.

    DAY 4: Assuring Staff Consistency and the Provision of Quality Services

    • Operationally define expectations for staff

    • Individualize and implement the Periodic Service Review combining the principles of Total Quality Management and Organizational Behavior Management

    • Introduce a performance monitoring system that is acceptable to staff

    • Design and implement a proven system of staff training

    • Individualize and implement the Procedural Reliability System (a system to ensure service integrity)

    • Design and implement a combined quality assurance and quality improvement system

    • Produce sweeping improvements in service quality

Longitudinal Assessment and Analysis of Severe and Challenging Behavior

An advanced, competency–based training practicum for: and other qualifed professionals charged with assessing individuals who have complex and challenging needs and with designing positive behavior support plans in public and private schools, residential settings, and supported work and other adult day services.

  • Join us for this advanced 21-week Online Longitudinal Training on "Assessment and Analysis of Severe and Challenging Behavior." This is an intensive, hands-on practicum for behavior analysts, behavior consultants, psychologists and other professionals charged with the design and implementation of positive behavior support plans.

    BCBA's can earn Type II CE.

  • Practicum Outcomes:

    • How to conduct a comprehensive functional assessment that meets defined standards.

    • How to develop a positive behavior support plan that incoroprates ecological, positive programming, focused support and reactive strategies that meet defined standards.

    • How to use the Behavior Assesment Guide as an information gathering and records abstraction tool.

    • How to assure the consistent implementation of a positive behavior support plan using a periodic service review.

    • How to evaluate a positive behavior support plan.

    Lecture Series covering the following topics:

    • Review and clarification of the seminar on Positive Practices in Behavioral Support

    • Using the Behavior Assessment Guide

    • Mediator Analysis

    • Motivational Analysis

    • Data Collection

    • Reliability

    • Defining Behavior

    • Overview of the Forms and Procedures Manual

    • Respondent Support Strategies

    • Stimulus Control

    • Mediating Systems/Token Reinforcement Strategies

    • Instructional Control

    • Stimulus Satiation

    Who Should Attend?

    This advanced, competency-based training practicum is appropriate for psychologists, behavioral consultants, resource specialists and other qualified professionals charged with assessing individuals who exhibit severe and challenging behavior and with designing behavior support plans based on a functional analysis of behavior. Previous participants have attended from Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Malta, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the U.S.

    Prerequisite Training

    Prerequisite Training All participants in this Longitudinal Training Practicum must have attended a 4-day training series, entitled “Positive Practices in Behavioral Support”.

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