Effective Practices for Children With Challenging Behaviour: Using Positive Behaviour Support

Authors: Elizabeth C. Hughes, Sonia Venegas, Gary W. LaVigna* and Thomas J. Willis

Abstract This paper addresses effective practices using positive behaviour support (PBS) plans for those with learning disabilities whose behaviour(s) can challenge their families and people who work with them. It defines PBS as applied behaviour analysis (ABA) in support of people with challenging behaviour to distinguish it from ABA used in other contexts. Reference is made to the application of PBS in typical school settings but particular reference is made to the Multi-element Model (MeM) of PBS, which is described in detail, including both proactive strategies for improving the future and reactive strategies to safely manage behavioural episodes when they occur. Research is cited that provides the evidence base illustrating the efficacy of this approach. Type 3 case studies, multiple baseline across subject studies and control group comparison studies show that the MeM is accessible, cost-effective and able to solve the most serious problems with either high or low rates of occurrence. The availability of this approach makes the use of restrictive or punitive procedures unnecessary.


Developing Behavioural Services To Meet Defined Standards Within a National System of Specialist Education Services


EPISODIC SEVERITY: An Overlooked Dependent Variable in the Application of Behavior Analysis to Challenging Behavior